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Miss Teen International Pageant

July 24th and 25th , 2025


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Teens ®

Miss Teen West Virginia International®

Allison Lowe

1.If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what would it be?
1. Wanting to help others has always been a goal of mine, and my platform UNICEF, has helped me reach out even more. I love working with the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund through fundraising, advocacy, and education to help children have a safe and healthy childhood.

2.If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
2. I am a vegetarian, for multiple reasons. With being on a vegetarian diet, it reduces the destruction of rainforests, wildlife habitats, to save endangered species, and many other things. I think it is our job, as humans, to save what and who cannot defend themselves, not to take advantage of.

3.When do you feel a child or teen becomes an adult?
3. Being physically fit has always been important to me. Whether I’m skateboarding, surfing, or running a marathon, I love to stay active because it makes me feel good. Encouraging others to achieve the main goal of being and staying healthy, is something to be proud of and I strive to achieve that.

4.What do you feel you have learned in life that will be the most useful?
4. Traveling around the world, to places such as Italy, the Dominican Republic, Greece and more, has let me experience opportunities most will never get to in their lifetime. I have been blessed to experience the most diverse cultures and nationalities around the world and have hands-on work experience with learning about them and providing the global help needed.

5.What do you feel is the hardest job in the world and why?
5. I have a very unusual pet, a zebra. While traveling to different countries, I have acquired a growing interest to what is different or uncommon in this world. And I found that in order to be different, you have to at least try. So I bought what is now my pet, Stripes.

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